GCSE Results 2024

GCSE Results 2024
22nd Aug 2024

MEA Central Students Celebrate GCSE Success!

We are incredibly proud of the Class of 2024, who have secured an outstanding set of GCSE results, despite the many challenges they have faced in recent years. This cohort has made exceptional progress from their starting points, and these outcomes are a testament to their hard work, participation, and resilience.

Our Principal, Mrs. Reynard, said, "This year group has shown true resilience and determination! They have been impacted in so many different ways by the pandemic but have developed into the most kind, ambitious group of young people. We are so proud."

The Class of 2024 now goes out into the world to meet every citizen as an equal, and we couldn’t be prouder.

Key Achievements include:

  • 82% of English grades (best of) were 4 or above.
  • 52% of Maths grades were 5 or above.
  • 48% achieved a strong pass or above (5+) in both English and Maths.
  • Progress 8 score of +0.29.

Special congratulations to some top individual performers:

  • A huge well done to John, who has achieved a phenomenal 10 Grade 9s, making him one of the highest achievers in the country!
  • Jaspreet has also achieved top grades (9) in a range of subjects including Science, RE, English, and Further Maths!
  • Sabeerah is celebrating her fantastic GCSE results, with all grades above 8, including 9s in Literature, Maths, RE, and Science!

We also want to recognize those who made exceptional progress. Progress is measured from starting points upon leaving primary school to a student’s achievement at the end of KS4.