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Year 9 Futures Zone

Year 9 Futures Zone

The Year 9 Options Process

 At MEA Central our vision is a ‘fantastic future for all.’ The bedrock of our vision is excellent academic results, and we deliver a challenging, knowledge-rich curriculum to prepare students not only for the new GCSE assessment regime but also further education and life beyond.

Our Key Stage 3 curriculum values the arts, technology and physical activity and prepares our students to ‘meet every citizen as an equal’. The choices students will make about the subjects they wish to study at Key Stage 4 will support their continued accelerated progress and deliver excellent results in 2027.

We expect our students to meet our high expectations in terms of commitment and work ethic, but we also seek to ignite their intellectual passions and curiosities so that they become autonomous, fulfilled learners during their time with us.


Year 9   The Process



We will be launching the options process for the Class of 2027 on 30th January at the event in school. Please attend with your child. 

Over the next month, students should reflect on these passions and strengths. They will learn about effective decision making in their Social and Cultural Capital lessons and have an opportunity to meet one-to-one with their ‘Futures Coach,’ to discuss their choices.

Parents can support their child over the next month by discussing their future ambitions and interests and helping them to identify their talents and aptitudes. It is important to remember, however, that no career or future study will be limited by the choices students make at Key Stage 4. This is simply the next, new and exciting step.

We are asking students to make choices based on subjects they enjoy and are succeeding in. Following the completion of the option process, we will decide the best qualification route.

This will be one of the following:

  • GCSE graded 1 - 9
  • Cambridge National Vocational Qualification (equivalent to one GCSE)

How are students allocated to choices?

We will ensure all students are allocated choices based on what is the most suitable pathway for them on an individual basis. There are however some requirements for students to meet in order to be allocated certain subjects.

The following data is taken into consideration when decisions are made:

 Students' attendance to school and punctuality to lessons. All students should strive to have above 96% attendance

  • Attitude to learning and behaviour data
  • Evidence of students working hard in their chosen subjects and living our values of ‘hard work’ and ‘participation’
  • In addition to the this, there are some additional entry requirements for Triple Science and Computer Science as stated above. To gain access to these subjects students should be achieving 65% in Big Tests in Science and Maths. Please be assured that we will place your child in the pathway which will lead them to their fantastic futures.

As always, we thank you for the continued support you provide for the school and your child. We look forward to supporting your child make the best choices.

Download key documents below 

Document Title Date Download
Futures Evening Presentation 2025 30th Jan 2025 Download
Class of 2027 Futures Guide 30th Jan 2025 Download