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Application FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions 

How do I apply for a school place at MEA Central? 

Please see the council’s Secondary School Admissions website for more information and to complete an application.   

What is the deadline for the applications? 

The application round for Secondary 2025 opens 5 July 2024. The closing date for Secondary 2025 school applications is 5pm on 31st October 2024.

How many places are there in each year group? 

The Pupil Admission Number (PAN) for each year group at MEA Central is 210 

How many applications were there last year? 

Last year there were more applications than places at MEA Central and the over subscription criteria was applied. 

What are the over subscription criteria? 

The oversubscription criteria will be applied to all applicants only where there are more applicants than places available. All applicants will be placed in a priority order determined by the oversubscription criteria which are set out, in order, below. Places will be offered to the applicants with the highest priority until all places at the school have been offered. 

Category 1 – children who are looked after by a local authority and children who were previously looked after by a local authority. 

Previously looked after children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order) immediately after being looked after; 

Category 2 – children with exceptional medical / social needs; If a parent has chosen MEA Central because the child has exceptional social or medical circumstances or the parent is disabled; 

Category 3 – children with a sibling at the school. 

A sibling is defined as an older brother or sister including adopted siblings, step siblings and foster children; 

Category 4 – All other children. 

Within each category, applicants will be prioritised according to the distance between the child’s permanent address and the school. 

See the school admission policy for further information on how distance is calculated by the admissions authority. 

What distance measurement was used last year? 

The distance measurement used by the admissions authority (Manchester City Council) varies each year, based on the applications received. Last year it was 0.95 miles.  

My child has a Special Educational Need, what support can the school offer? 

MEA Central is an inclusive school. Skyline is the name of our Inclusion and Special Educational Needs team at MEA Central.  

Our vision is for all students that have a Special Educational Need and/or Disability (SEND) and/or have English as an Additional Language (EAL) to feel happy, safe and secure at school.  They should be able to access a full, appropriate curriculum suited to their needs; participate in all aspects of school life and be challenged to have high expectations of themselves as learners. 

It is important to maintain a child-centred approach to SEND and EAL at MEA Central.  This should stem from the core belief that all teachers are teachers of children with SEND and EAL and all leaders are leaders of children with SEN and EAL.  We should strive to view inclusion as a process and not a place.  We should strive to be flexible when it comes to understanding and meeting additional needs.  And most importantly of all, we should strive to create the right climate where all young people feel valued and can thrive.  

For further information about our SEND provision please download our SEND Information report using the link below. 

How can I find out more information? 

Please contact or call 0161 499 2736 if you have further questions.