Exam Results and Performance

MEA Central students celebrate GCSE success!

We are very proud of the Class of 2023, who have secured a strong set of GCSE results, despite the many challenges they have faced in recent years. This cohort has made exceptional progress from their starting points and these outcomes are testament their hard work, participation and resilience.

Our Principal, Mrs Reynard said, ‘I am in awe of this group of students! They have been through so much and have consistently shown maturity, ambition and good humour throughout their time with us at Central. As one student said to me as he held up his results today ‘This is my fantastic future right here!’

The Class of 2023 go out now into the world to meet every citizen as an equal, and we couldn’t be prouder.’

Some highlights include:

  • 72% of English grades (best of) were 5 or above
  • 52% of Maths grades were 5 or above
  • 74% achieved 4+ in both English and Math
  • Progress 8 score +0.15
  • Attainment 8 score 4.7 
  • EBACC APS 4.2

There were a number of notable individual successes in this cohort, and some are mentioned below:

Belle was delighted to achieve 5 grade 9s and 4 grade 8s

Abiha achieved 10 fantastic GCSE results all above grade 8 including grade 9 in Spanish, Chemistry, English Literature, Maths and Physics.

Mariaj is celebrating  a Grade 9 in Biology, Chemistry, English Literature, Maths and Physics. He is looking forward to his next steps studying at college.

Maya is proud of her achievements which included GCSEs at the highest grade in English Language, History, Science, and Textiles. She also excelled in Maths and English Literature with Grade 8s.

Lucy secured phenomenal success with all grades within the top 9-7 range - including the highest possible grades in Science, Geography, Textiles.

Shayan smashed his exams achieving excellent grades in all his qualifications.  These include Grade 9s in Chemistry, Spanish and Maths! He also got Grade 8s in biology and physics.

We are so proud of Oscar I’ansons exceptional performance. He is leaving MEA Central to further study with excellent grades across the board including Grade 8s in Computing, English and 7s in other subjects including the sciences.

Well done to our students and a heartfelt thank you to the teachers, staff, families and external agencies who have helped them to succeed.