Principal's Newsletter 27.09.24

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27th Sep 2024

Principal’s Message for Week A, wb 30th September  

We held our Open Evening last night and I enjoyed seeing so many familiar faces and lots of new ones! Our student helpers did us proud, and I'd like to say a special well done to Zeeshan and Ramla in Year 11 who joined me to deliver excellent speeches to prospective families. It was also delightful to see many of our returning Alumni who took the opportunity to come and see their old teachers and tell them about their current college courses and university applications.  

We will now hold our Open Month where families can visit the school when it is session.   


It has been fantastic to see our school library so busy at lunchtime and after school. Our students have been loaning lots of books and using the space to study for their exams. 

Please see above for our ‘book of the fortnight.’ The student librarians have selected ‘Black and British’, by David Olusoga, to celebrate Black History Month. Students will be introduced to this though their Head of Year assembly, English lessons and form time. Please encourage your child to participate and look at the books on display over the next fortnight. 

Whilst many books have been loaned since the spring term last year, some have not yet been returned to the library. Please can we ask that you check at home for any schoolbooks and return to the library as soon as possible. 

Our key stage 3 English classes have now begun their library induction visits.  The classes were very excited to hear about what our library can offer as well as loaning their first book of the year!   Students should have a personal reading book in their bag as part of equipment which will be used to read in school as well as for homework.  There will be lots of praise and prizes coming up for living our value of participation through reading. 


Homework at MEA Central is designed so that by Year 11 all students have the knowledge, skills and confidence to be self-regulated scholars who can revise effectively and independently.  

Independent Learning is a key aspect of our scholarly habits with Grade 1 (Consistent and Excellent) including, ‘I always complete all homework to the best standard I can’.   

We have spent time during morning form time over the past couple of weeks teaching students’ retrieval practice techniques and ensuring that all students have knowledge organisers and red homework books. Subject teachers set specific parts of the knowledge organiser for homework each week and test this knowledge during in-class quizzes.  

On Thursday 10th October students will take part in the Know-It-All quiz during form time where students will be asked to recall information from their knowledge organisers. There will be prizes for the students that get the highest score.  

An overview of the homework expectations for each year group is below.  

Year Group 

Retrieval Practice 

Online Platforms 


Subject Specific  

7, 8 and 9 

30 minutes per day 

Sparx Maths = 1 hour per week 

Sparx Reader (coming soon!) 

20 minutes at least three times a week 



30 minutes per day 

Sparx Maths = 1 hour per week 

GCSE Pod = 1 hour per week 

20 minutes at least three times a week 

1 hour per week per subject 


30 minutes per day 


Sparx Maths = 1 hours every two weeks 

GCSE Pod = 2 hours per week 

20 minutes at least three times a week 

1 hour per week per subject 

Our website contains links to further information and copies of all the knowledge organisers. 


Pastoral Team Information 2024/25 



Support for young people 

If you are feeling overwhelmed you can: 

  • · Call HOPELINEUK on 0800 068 4141 

  • · Call The Samaritans on 116 123. 

  • · Text SHOUT to Shout's textline on 85258. 

  • · Call the NHS on 111 and select option 2 

Support for Parents

Young Minds We know that being a parent or carer isn’t always easy. Although it’s often amazing and rewarding to watch your children or young people grow up, it can also be really hard work. Things might feel especially difficult if your child or young person is struggling with their mental health at the moment. Or if their mood and behaviour seem different, and you're not sure why or what you can do to help. But you are not alone. We have lots of practical advice to help you support them – from encouraging them to open up, to navigating mental health services and finding them the right help. No matter what you’re going through, things can get better. 

Head of Year Messages  

Ms. Charis Gates - Year 7

Year 7 have had an exciting week at MEA Central. Our new form representatives presented their forms’ opinions about the library and oracy at the first Year Forum. The House Poetry competition has been launched and students practiced their poems in form time. It was great to see Year 7 living the value of participation and being involved in the House System. Congratulations to our new student librarians; Thalia Northey (7H), Beth Hartley Wilson (7S) and Lily Hamilton (7M). Finally, well done to students in 7Sissay with 49 CAPs this week!  

A reminder that excellent attendance and punctuality is vital for a smooth transition into year 7. We want all students to access our co-curriculum offer in form time and attend 5 excellent lessons a day. If a student is feeling unwell, please let us know and we will support.  

Ms Gates and Ms Thompson  

Ms. Bryan - Year 8

This week Year 8 have been offered some exciting opportunities to “Take Part” in events that will be recognised nationwide. Firstly, there is an invitation from a local MP, for a group of year 8s to engage in the upcoming COP29 and discuss the importance of climate crisis. The second fantastic opportunity is to gain a well-known award called the Princess Diana Anti-Bullying Ambassadors award. These pupils will then be appointed as be anti-bullying ambassadors for MEA Central. All interest to be received by Friday 4th October, directly to myself. 

As we approach the halfway mark of the first half term, it is important we celebrate the successes of individuals and the year group. Firstly, the punctuality of the year 8 cohort is excellent!! Thank you for supporting the pastoral team on ensuring your child arrives on time each day. There has also been some great success in Geography this week, with 6 pupils receiving a postcard home for their outstanding contribution in lessons. And finally, we had several students who assisted during our Open Evening on Thursday, thank you to you all!! The band were highly praised by all attendees for their incredible performance. 


Mr J Anatsui - Year 9

Week 4 of 7 and we are now more than halfway through the first half term of year 9. This week Year 9 have again shown an adherence to scholarly habits and our focus on independent learning.  

We have been pleased to see an increase in homework being written into planners and greater use of the school planner, this we feel will be vital in preparing for the upcoming big tests.  

Year 9 have also participated in the first Have your say forums where elected form reps fed back on key questions relating to library use and oracy, we were proud to see form reps taking the role seriously and representing their forms.  

Our poetry House competition is also in full swing with groups having the opportunity to perform their rendition of their poems, it has been fantastic to see participation levels at a high and we are excited to see the final results.  

Overall a brilliant week and we look forward to week 5!  

Mr Anatsui and Mr Roberts 

Mr J Roper - Year 10

Year 10 have completed their Progress week tests this week and have continued with their great start to the year. It has been so good to return this year and have so many comments from teaching staff and Senior Leaders praising the pupils on their mature attitude to learning this year. We celebrated the appointment of the Year 10 Prefect team last Friday in assembly which culminated in the presentation of the 'prefect ties' which the pupils are wearing with pride and have already taken on school based responsibility. 

This week all Year 10 students have been shown how to access GCSE Pod. GCSE Pod is a fantastic online revision tool which has helped previous students to achieve a grade higher in each subject. They will be set some subject homework via GCSE Pod. If your child is struggling to access GCSE Pod please follow the steps below: 

  1. Go to and clock Login 

  1. Click "I'm new to GCSE Pod" 

  1. Enter your child's name, date of birth and type in Manchester Enterprise Academy Central 

Have a great weekend. 

Mr Roper & Ms Renshaw

Mr J Rooza - Year 11 

Year 11 students have had an exciting and informative week, with assemblies from several local colleges and sixth forms. It has been a great opportunity for them to start thinking seriously about their next steps. I was particularly thrilled by the message from the speaker at Loreto College, who emphasised once again how crucial excellent attendance is for securing a strong college place. Students need to maintain an attendance rate of 97% or above, which is something we will be closely monitoring as they continue through the year. 
Xaverian College also highlighted how competitive college places have become, stressing the importance of submitting a strong personal statement as part of the application process. It's vital that students begin thinking about this now and take advantage of the support available to help in their SCC lessons. They need to craft an impressive and well-rounded application. 
As we look ahead, the next set of exams in November are fast approaching. These will be critical, as the results will play a significant role in students’ college applications. I encourage everyone to focus on their preparation and revision, as these exams could make all the difference in securing a place at their preferred college. 
Finally, I want to say (again!) how proud we are of the fantastic start that Year 11 students have made. They’ve shown tremendous maturity and commitment, but now is not the time to take our foot off the gas. Continued focus and effort are key to ensuring success in the months ahead. 
Let’s keep the momentum going! 

Mr Rooza & Ms Costello